Women Startup Challenge 2017 VR and AI NYC Finalists
Droice Labs
Haouli revolutionizes how users interact with the world through their high-precision, acoustic-based motion tracking technology. The technology enables users to easily interact with objects in VR, AR, smart appliances, games, drones, and much more.
Intelligent Space
Developing artificial intelligence for space applications, Intelligent Space leverages autonomous robotics to restructure space for satellite safety from orbital debris starting with a space towing system moving dead satellites to a graveyard zone.
Opaque Studios
Opaque Studios builds VR-based tools for Hollywood studios, allowing content creators to produce feature films, TV shows, games and VR applications more efficiently than ever before. By combining Virtual Reality with Virtual Production, Opaque Studios allows directors to make better creative decisions and massively cut down the cost of a production.
Spirit AI
Venti Technologies
Self-driving vehicles are one of the great disruptive technologies of our lifetime and will transform everyday vehicles from cars to lawn mowers, wheelchairs, shopping carts, and golf carts. VentiRide provides inexpensive, personalized mobility-on-demand services. Venti is transforming mass mobility and improving the lives of tens of millions of seniors and mobility-constrained people by giving them self-determination and freedom.